Sunday, June 13, 2010

Indianapolis 500 Race Day

Went down to the Indianapolis 500 race.  We stayed in a Hostel for the first time and what an experience,
I'm sure the Tecno Twins were in the next room.  Started the evening with a pre-race party in a lovely home
owned by some good friends in Indy.  My husbands brother and his wife come down to the race every year
from Atlanta, Georgia and it's always exciting spending time with them.  Up early and we all meet in a parking
lot and then are escorted by a police escort into the race track.  We are treated to a breakfast buffet by a good man who does this every year for our group.  We draw names for racer's and then head off to the track
to take our seats.  This year our driver won and we ended up with $700 dollar win.  Was hoping we would
be able to get a nice room and pass on the hostel for the night, but no such luck!!!  Another great race with
great people and great weather....could not ask for more...